My tomato sprouts

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by anyDAZEcoo, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. anyDAZEcoo

    anyDAZEcoo Active Member

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    riverside, CA, USA
    I planted two seeds in the same hole just in case one of them didn't grow..and sometimes three,,,but they have all sprouted and they are growing right next to eachother. Is this or will this be a problem? i will be moving them in to a bigger pot (sorry i for got to say i was starting them inside) When they get to umm about 4 weeks.. also i found one sprout and it looks like a sprout but it doesn't look like any of the other ones...could it be a weed or maybe another plant? its much darker and has different leaves on it. Here is a picture of the sprouts. its the one nearest to the side of the pot.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  2. anyDAZEcoo

    anyDAZEcoo Active Member

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    riverside, CA, USA
    Here are the pictures i forgot to put them in the post lol silly me

    the sprout that i am usure about is on the side

    Attached Files:

  3. monkeydog

    monkeydog Active Member

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    S.E. Tennessee, U.S.
    Let the sprouts get about 3 inches tall and gently seperate the three spouts. Take the cup off from around the dirt and seperate them by grasping them around the underground part. Try to retain the dirt around the roots if possible while pulling them apart. Then, just replant all three!

    Or, if you dont want all three, decide which one you want to keep and pull the other two up. The extra unidentified plant could be anything, might be a weed, or it might be something good. Who knows? If you want, replant it also and let it grow just to see if it turns out to be something you like!

    Good luck with your tomatos!
  4. anyDAZEcoo

    anyDAZEcoo Active Member

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    riverside, CA, USA
    thank you very much!! i hope it is something good lol

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