I have no idea what plant this is but once i realized that it started losing leaves I checked it out and found cat **** under it. How can I save it? Thanks
Looks like privet. Scrape out as many of the offending items as you can, return them to the sender, water a lot, and put down a mulch of thorny clippings (Berberis is good) around the base of the plants to discourage re-application.
Looks deciduous, in which case leaves would be falling off because it's autumn. Cat droppings will be coincidental. They go where there is flourlike, dusty soil, covering soil with cobbles or other barrier they cannot dig through puts a stop to it.
At just a look at the picture and surrounding shrubs I don't think it is a deciduous plant, there are not enough signs of brown leaves on it but it looks as though it is in trouble, suggest you take a clipping along to your local nursery while you still have some leaves left for proper identification, one solution to your cat problem would be to get a dog.