Hello, I received three roses as a gift, they lasted a long time in water and when I came back from a trip I got the great surprise that the my roses started to grow plants. Little green leaves are popping up... I would like to keep the plants and transplant them to a pot, but they don't have any roots, it is just the stick and the little leaves pupping up. Do you know how could I stimulate the roots to grow so I can transplant the little trees that seems to be healthy and willing to grow? Thanks!!!
Go to the garden center at your local Wall Mart and get some rooting hormone (green light, Shultz or best of all rootone). It is a powder with indole-3 butyric acid in it. Dip your cuttings in this, place them in sand and cover with clear plastic. One problem though, sometimes the rose will sacrifice root growth for top growth. You may be better off leaving them just where they are. Try the method above with some and leave the others alone. They may root in just plain water my grandma did it.. Moving it may kill it. See my reply to calling all rose rustlers for more info. Good luck!
To really stimulate good root growth you need to get the cutting to think it's time to stop growing and time to move nutriments down to the roots. Place them in a cooler room in the house where they will get less light and no direct sunlight. Root hormone will cause the cuttings to callous over on the bottom and stimulate roots to grow. You really don't want to have top growth before you have good roots. Have a look at this site.
Thanks so much for the information you all provided. I soaked them in root stimulator and place them later in a pod with sand, waiting for the roots to start growing.