I bought a red maple about two months ago and put it in a pot inside my house by a bright window(no harsh sun. temp Out side is around 110 I didn't think it would like that much .About 2 weeks a got just got a new branch of leaves. I fertilized it a couple days ago with some miracle grow. Now it seems unhappy. the new leaves look a little droopy. I'm do to water it but I don’t know if I’m over watering it or if it’s unhappy that I used that fertilizer. I water it every 3 to 4 days when it looks like its getting a little dry I stick my finger in soil to see if it’s still moist. Any suggestions on what may be wrong with it?
There is a very similar thread on the next page. Basically, maples don't take well to growing indoors. If you can find a spot outside in the shade, the tree would hopefully be happier.