Hello, I'm having a little problem with my plant it's leaves seem bending over I got no idea why, I used to water it daily in the morning so I thought the reason of the issue can be overwatering I also noticed that it's roots are wrapping around the other plants. Here how the leaves look like: Here how the roots are wrapped through the plant: Here how the plants look like:
Hmm there can be many reasons why they are blending over.. Maybe you change setting of this plant? Many of them don't like it. Or maybe air is dry? You said that it may be caused because of overwatering..So what now? Do you water it in less amount ?
You are maybe right, I had this plant on my window then I moved it to the balcony because the air was dry I've also noticed another plant bending over which was on the windos aswell. So yeah I guess that is the problem.