I am hoping someonecan shed some light on a problem I have! My peace lily is about 4 years old, is around 2 feet tall and in generally good condition. It sits in a north window where it gets plenty of filtered light, but not direct sun. The problem lies here: it likes to cry. Every morning when I get up, I have to go and wipe it's tears! There will be drops of (water?) hanging from the tips of most of it's leaves. I have asked around to people who have the same plant, and nobody has ever heard of this happening. What's going on? Help!
It's normal. It's just expelling extra water. Lots of plants do this. Let it dry out more between waterings and it will stop. With my peace lilly I just wait until it shows visible signs on needing water, then water it.
Guttation like Globalist mentioned It's from to much water. More light helps utilize the excess water.Also lower humidity and better air circulation help,so no excess water accumulates. That should help if not solve your problem. Good luck.