i have a new lemon tree..in a pot.(i live in texas)i dont know whats wrong with it because the leaves at the bottom of the tree are falling off.i had it in my living room in my bay window...maybe it got to cool in there.so since then now i have moved it outside for a while ...not in the direct sun but it seems to look alittle better now.will it die?how much water do you give it?its sorta dry but i was afraid of over watering it. i should have left it at the store..im afraid im killing it.it has 6 lemons on it too...lovebritt
Your tree was probably adjusting to the lower light level or discarding older leaves. You are right to be concerned with overwatering it is the cause of death for most container citrus. My recommendation is to read as much as you can on proper watering, fertilizer, and potting media. In the long run your tree will need some exposure to cold (about 800 hr below 65) to cause flowering again. Good luck.
tysoom!!!!!!!!!!!i have been so worried!!it was just the bottom leaves and i could not understand why it was all the leaves...tysom for helping me!!lovebritt