My local maple lady was making deals today.

Discussion in 'Maples' started by bub72ck, May 20, 2015.

  1. bub72ck

    bub72ck Active Member

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    Stopped by one of my local landscape centers and the lady that owns the place has made some good deals before. She didn't disappoint today either.

    1) Bloodgood. I have been wanting either a Bloodgood or Emperor 1 and finally picked it up. This one has nice branching started. I have an afternoon sun spot picked out and I assume it will be ok there? I can shade it if need be.

    2) Shigitatsu Sawa. I noticed this tree as soon as I pulled up and was hooked. It's definitely not the standard for a SS because the middle top part of the tree had to be cut off so it's low to the ground but that's honestly what attracted me to it. I know these trees are known for the green variegated leaves in shade but I think it's beautiful being sun kissed. What do you guys/gals think?

    The best part of all is that I got both of these trees for under $100. My wife was ready to harm me until she saw the trees and heard the price. :)

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  2. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Shigitatsu Sawa really needs shade. Honestly yours looks like its a bit stressed already. This is not an easy cultivar, some believe it is best kept in a container because it is quite tender during cold winters. I had mine in the ground for a while, but I pulled it several years ago and its been in a pot ever since. It gets only morning sun but I noticed some leaf problems this spring, it may have gotten too much water.

    Bloodgood is a cultivar that has been "watered down" with similar purple leaved plants over the years, it's generally considered a "group" now (like f. atropurpureum). None the less there is a real Bloodgood around, hopefully that's what you got! A great plant that is strong growing and takes full sun very well. I have close friends in Redwood City CA, where it gets very hot, who have a great one in full sun. I've never seen it scorch.

  3. bub72ck

    bub72ck Active Member

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    Thank you for the information. I will get the SS into a shady area right away. Based on the condition of my tree should it be in total shade for a while or is some morning sun ok? I have both options available in my landscape. I would really like to plant it in the ground but don't want to make it harder to keep alive if it would be better suited in a pot. Also, can I leave it in the temporary pot while it recovers or would it better to put it in a larger pot or the ground?

    Not sure if this Bloodgood is real or not but it is a beautiful tree. The leaves have a nice color and they look like traditional Bloodgood specimens as I know them to be.
  4. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    I think some morning sun will be good for the SS. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it lost its leaves pretty early this year, but that's probably not a cause for concern. I'd guess some time in a pot would be good for it, but of course if you are able to get it to live in the ground that's the best place in the long run, IMHO anyway.

    As for whether it needs to be repotted now, that'll depend on how full the pot is. If it's root bound, by all means move it up a size right away. Otherwise, I'd wait if possible, and repot next fall.

    The Bloodgood is indeed a pretty looking tree, nice find! :)
  5. bub72ck

    bub72ck Active Member

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    OK. I think I will plant it in the ground and see how it does. I have ideal soil and climate for JM at my house and all my other trees are thriving so hopefully this one will as well.

    I will keep you updated on it's progress.
  6. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northern Ireland
    My tree has done very well in the ground. These pics show its position before the plants around it began to mature. It is not in direct sun.
    Shigitatsu sawa
  7. Atapi

    Atapi Well-Known Member

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    Northern Virginia
    Wow, what's a great deal you had there.
    BTW, can you share the address of this landscape center since I am also living in VA. Hopefully, it is not too far of a drive to visit her.
  8. bub72ck

    bub72ck Active Member

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    The store is actually in Tennessee. I live right on the state line in the western part of the state.

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