I noticed the needles turning brown and decided it was because it needed a larger pot. After transplanting my umbrella tree it has continued to die...I love this tree and have had it from 8 inches tall...it's now over 3 feet..can anyone help me save it?
Not enough information for anybody here to be able to tell. Often when the top of a plant goes brown there is a problem at the root, but... You might be able to get someone at an independent garden center to look at it and see some clues. Try during a slow time - if you are willing and able to drag it there. Might be necessary to take it out of the pot and look at the roots. Best bet near Kirkland probably Wells-Medina nursery. If it is already all brown and crispy it is too late.
Thanks Ron..I am going to have to take it out of the pot to get it to Medina, I just can't lift it otherwise, will wrap it in black plastic. no it's not all brown but too many of the branch ends are. Thanks again!