hello all, well, this would be my first post here, and i'm glad of it. i've been browsing this site for a little while, trying to figure out exactly what kind of plants i have, care of them, etc. i'm stumped on a few, so i thought i'd post some pictures. i'd also like to get a few specific identifications on different sempervivums i have. i guess i should introduce myself. i'm only sixteen, but i'm quite interested in all things "nature" i'll be taking horticulture courses at my highschool soon so i will be more informed *snicker* . i live in a tiny town so my plant choices are limited, though the greenhouse at my school does have some interesting plants. my passion lies in succulents though, i find them interesting, especially my little sempervivums! i have a total of twelve different house plants now, though i'm picking up the last two of those twelve tomorrow from the greenhouse (a succulent and a wee dangly spider plant). so here are my plants: this is my Dragon tree, he's about five years old, and has had a tough time of it, note his bent trunk. growing well now that he's in my care though. only approximately three feet tall. my hawthorias (sp?): i'm not sure what kind of hawthoria they are, but they are growing nicely for now. i acquired them from a friend a few months back and they have since lost the dead looking brown and red tinge. you can still see a bit of it on one of them, but he is getting better. my cacti: the first one is my grafted cacti, and the second is an unknown one that you are all welcome to identify for me :D . they are both from the same friend who gave me the hawthorias. she drastically overwatered them, but they are doing better. the second one's spines have gained at least a centimetre in growth. my sempervivums: i believe the first three are all s. tectorums, but the fourth is a different type. it has smaller rosettes and when it buds off the stems are much different. i'm going to be planting a few of these semper.'s outside once the weather warms. the reddish one and the pink/green are growing quite fast and will soon outgrow their pots, so i think they'll appreciate a nice spacious garden. my ficus: this guy is also a few years old, though i've only had him for about six months. i've been watering all of my plants with nutrient rich water from my fish and snail tanks and they have been growing quite well on it. i have noticed however that the ficus and the dragon tree plant have been getting a greyish waxy residue on a few of their leaves. is this odd? it disappears after a litte while, but i'm worried. and, my newest arrival, an unknown plant. well, three seperate plants actually. i was browsing the school greenhouse after school today and saw him. i was going to bring money back tomorrow and fetch him, plus the two other formentioned plants, but the horitculture teacher said that he had been there for some time, no one was really paying him any attention so i could bring him home for FREE! haha so, now he's here, in my room. very beautiful little flowers. this picture doesn't do it justice, the pinky purple is really quite intense against the stark white. close up of the leaves the whole plant all for now, comments and questions welcome. i would very much appreciate identification and care tips for the few unknowns, especially the newest addition. cheers! - Adrian Demone
Welcome to the forum Demone. Here's a good site for Haworthia galleries: http://www.cocozzacollection.org.uk/haworthia_pages/haworthia.htm Cactus looks like Ferocactus spp. (scroll to Ferocactus): http://images.google.com/imgres?img...=/images?q=ferocactus&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=N Here's a Sempervivum gallery site: http://www.garden-of-mu.com/sempervivums/1-semp-framepage.HTML Last one is Pelargonium peltatum Here's a site for comparison: http://images.google.com/imgres?img...q=ivy+leaved+geranium&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=G --Good luck!
Oh! yes, that's exactly it! i can't wait untit my geranium grows more, he's only about on and half feet or so long now and he'll grow to a metre or more! now i've just got to cruise through those other sites for my other plants. thanks a bunch! and sorry for replying so late, eep. - Adrian