I don't know what kind of tree it is (I inherited it from a friend) but it was fine for the last year, then all of a sudden it has started to droop (no significant discoloration). I would be grateful if someone could help identify it so that I can better research its care. Thanks!
it looks perfectly healthy it just need to be staked, or maybe pruned. you seem to be taking quite good care of it, if it is properly pruned and staked you should be fine and it will eventually grow into a big tree indoors.
Dear Mr. James I'm sorry for what is happening to your tree but I would like to ask you if you added anything to your tree like hotwater,pesticides or anything else then I may help you regards Rosegarden
The only change has been that I added some Miracle Grow (diluted as per instructions) which I've applied to all of my plants. Other than that, no pesticides or anything like that. Do you think the fertilizer may have tipped the ph balance for this plant? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Dear Mr James many conditions (environemntal or non environmental) will lead to this status of the plant may be the plant is senstive to the type of fertilizer you added. I do not know where you put your plant may be it needs sun light or it suffers from excess water. In addition to pervoius causes, insects can cause such symptoms. Regards, Rosegarden