My fig tree is growing fruit but.........

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by loveplants, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. loveplants

    loveplants Member

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    Hello its me again. this is my last post. I also have a wonderful fig tree. When I purchased all these trees they were in great shape. Once I planted them is when the trouble all started.The fig tree leaves were doing very well. Now that I water it each day the figs are growing larger but the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. Why isthat? It seems to me I should not water it much? But I just planted it and it must be watered should it? That is why I am asking for help so none of these fruit trees die of my lack of experience Looking forward to hearing from you..........Added NOTE: When I dug the holes they were larger then the size of the plant itself and there was plenty of room for growth and I left loose dirt on the bottom just so you know that
  2. Puddleton

    Puddleton Active Member 10 Years

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    North Curl Curl, Australia
    leaves turning yellow after planting indicates stress. You may be either watering too much or too little. Did you soak the rootball in water prior to planting? Potting soil has a tendancy to repel water once it has dried completely. you may find that the hole is full of water but the root ball is very dry.. I would lift the plants from the gorund and check the root balls.
    possibility 2.
    How deep did you plant them? You may have a problem called collar rot. which happens from planting too deeply. The base of the stem begins to rot and in effect ringbarks the tree. check the base of the stems. if it is soft and bark rubs off with your fingers. then pull the soil back, to allow air and light to hit the stem.
    Prepare to reinvest in some more figs is the next step

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