And here my favourites from the last visit, what brought me special joy from the garden Cotoneaster ambiguus from China with black berries, just next to Zanthozylum oxyphyllum, what Wendy just posted Fuchsia x bacillaris with tiny flowers and berries. I found in wikipedia, that The fruit of fuchsia species and cultivars is edible, with the berry of F. splendens reportedly among the best-tasting. Its flavor is reminiscent of citrus and pepper, and it can be made into jam. Berchemia scandens with berries in Eastern America garden, last time I posted Berchemia racemosa in bloom in Asian garden(it is still in bloom) Beautiful Impatiens omeiana from China Sternbergia lutea, Autumn or Winter daffodil, Yellow Autumn crocus(it is not Colchicum), I think and hope that white single and double flowers are Sternbergia candida or Sternbergia's cultivar( Am I right?