My favourite time to prune Japanese maples

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Otto Bjornson, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. Otto Bjornson

    Otto Bjornson Contributor

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    chilliwack BC, Canada (8b)
    With a big weather change coming soon, we got to work and organized the greenhouse and pruned all of the container grown Japanese maples that have been resting all winter.
    What the heck, decided to make another video, 20 minutes long so just enough to enjoy with a cup of java
    Georgia Strait, Acerholic and AlainK like this.
  2. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    Nothing better than watching others do skilled garden chore demo ! Kept it simple too, thank you

    QUESTION - do you notice far more “lichen” this year on shrubs , decid trees, etc (coast)

    i ask because I notice none on your maples tho at the London Drugs parking (photos) I see maples covered in lichen (trees are approx 12x12 feet) — large broken branch from - no, not wind - the heavy 4 inch ice snow about 10 days ago at coast.

    EDIT - to be clear - the two photos of Pixie maple are screen images from Otto’s YouTube video — link in his post above

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    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
  3. Otto Bjornson

    Otto Bjornson Contributor

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    chilliwack BC, Canada (8b)
    lichen and small moss clusters do not harm a tree at all. Usual cause is just a damp location ( ie. minimal sun during fall / winter months) along with wet damp weather. I am going to prune our container grown "coral bark" this weekend, lots of moss clusters on that one as it has been outside all winter. Will try to do a video on that as well if the weather cooperates.
    As far as more or less lichen / moss on the trees, seems to be about normal over the past year
    AlainK and Georgia Strait like this.
  4. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Some say that lichens can host pests.
    Maybe. But it's usually the sign of the air is healthy, free of pollution, so...
    Otto Bjornson and Georgia Strait like this.

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