My children got me this plant a few years ago and I just can't seem to get it growing consistently. It looks really nice for a couple of months and then it looks like it's dieing for about six. When they purchased it there werent any identifying labels other than hanging plant. If I knew what it was I am sure I could make it pretty all the time. Also, when it flowers, it has sort of spikes of little white flowers. Thanks! melisamay
Plectranthus ciliatus. Its a relative of the "Coleus", Plectranthus scutellarioides, that is best suited for growing in a hanging basket. Grow it the same way and give it plenty of water and light to grow well. Be sure to mist it occasionally.
Mine also grows outside and flowers. I also have no frosts but it can get cold in winter. down to about 5 C. Mine dislikes the hot dry and will go into wilt mode till it cools down. I tend to grow it in semi shade. Liz