I was given to this plant from a relative and have had it in my house for over a year and amazingly it has not completely died, however, the leaves have become an unhealthy dark green color and are sagging. I have put it near a good source of light and water it once a week but nothing is helping. This plant seems to be very common and also will create a nice white flower some times, but as long as I have had it, the flower has not blossomed. What can I do to keep this plant healthy? I tried to move it outdoors for a week and all of a sudden the leaves began to dry up and fall off, so i quickly moved it back into my house. Any suggestions? Thanks!
It resembles an Aroid of some description; I'd say Aglaonema as a wide guess. If this is the case, then putting it outdoors would not have made it terribly happy - they don't like full sun. The deep green is healthy, but the droopiness might be caused by over or underwatering, or by soil conditions... How often do you water it, and what kind of soil is it in? What does the "flower" look like? Anything like these? (click here) If your "flowers" match what is shown in the link, then it did actually bloom for you - the true flowers are just too tiny to see without a magnifying glass. The structure you're looking at is called a Spadix and is the reproductive organ of all members of the Aroid family.
The flowers do look like that.... the soil itself has not been replaced in years, that could be the problem right there. I do water it about once a week with good drainage in the pot. Thanks for the quick identification!
When you re-pot go for a mixture of soil, bark chips (like Orchid Mix) and Cactus Mix - heavy soil, but with really good drainage. It sounds like you've got the right idea on watering, though.