I got the plant in September last year in healthy condition. I watered it accordingly (I think anyway) but noticed the soil seemed rather dry so watered it more than I usually would (once a week?) so around two weeks ago I noticed a lot of leaves had turned brown starting from the bottom and then at the top, I took the dead leaves off for cosmetic reasons and unfortunately didn't take any photos. So I assumed I may of over watered it yet when inspecting the soil it still felt really dry. I've noticed the smaller stem has started to grow what seems like different mould on top? The stems still feel firm and not mushy. Does anyone have any idea of how to fix this issue? Thank you.
I would saw off the dead portion at the top of the stubby stem. The bottom is still alive as evidenced by new growth. You may want to seal the cut with some wax to prevent dessication of the stem.
In my experience, it is impossible to keep Dracaena tips from going brown. When a leaf is more brown than green, you can remove it. You can trim off the brown bits. Or not. I've read stuff about using filtered water, or non-chlorinated water. It doesn't hurt to try that - I never have bothered. They do that it real life too (in the tropics). At any rate, brown tips are not a sign that the plant is dying. You would just worry if the new leaves did not look healthy.