If anybody out there was interested in adding anything I may have to their collection, I’d be happy to discuss. Just drop me a PM. Thanks
A very sad posting Luke, was waiting for this after our chats. Have seen some of yours on Ebay. Bit difficult with collection only atm with the lockdown. But you have some wonderful trees so they will go. Do list the names of your collection on this thread so people can see what you have. D
Yes D, a most distressing time for me. I would love them to go to a new home where they will be loved and cared for the way I have done. The list is fairly self explanatory. Cultivar, approx age, approx price. Prices can be discussed of course. I know this forum does not encourage posts of this nature, however I am asking for help and forgiveness from what I have been my ‘maple friends’ over the last few years. Palmatum 4 £40 Palmatum 4 £35 Orangeola 3 £40 Dissectum Viridis 6 £80 Crimson Queen 4 £50 Beni Maiko 5 £85 Shindeshojo 10 £200 Orange Dream 6 £100 Butterfly 7 £150 Atropurpureum 4 £35 Emerald Lace 3 £40 Koto Hime 4 £40 Shigatatsu Sawa 3 £30 Beni Otake 2 £30 Beni Otake 3 £50 Ukigumo 10 £80 Ukigumo 4 £50 Ukigumo 4 £50 Mikawa Yatsubusa 7 £80 Mikawa Yatsubusa 4 £50 Trompenburg 4 £40 Moonrise 4 £45 Enkan 5 £65 Ryusen 4 £100 Going Green 3 £30 Aratama 2 £30 Higasayama 2 £30 Goshiki Shidare 2 £30 Toyama Nishiki 2 £30 Ueno Yama 2 £30 Flavescens 6 £80 Flavescens 2 £35 Autumn Glory 2 £35 Rainbow 3 £60 Lilleanne’s Jewel 3 £50 Taimin Nishiki 2 £50 Taimin Nishiki 2 £50 Hana Matoi 6 £85 Hana Matoi 2 £40 Oregon Sunset 5 £50 Oregon Sunset 2 £30 Oregon Sunset 2 £30 Pink Ballerina 2 £35 Pink Ballerina 2 £35 Purple Ghost 4 £85 Sister Ghost 2 £35 Amber Ghost 4 £85 Aka Shigitatsu Sawa 4 £60 Kasagiyama 2 £30 Baldsmith 4 £45 Baldsmith 2 £30 Oridono Nishiki 5 £60 Hime Shojo 3 £35 Elmwood 4 £45 Felice 4 £45 Fascination 4 £45 Omato 4 £45 Summer Gold 4 £45 Red Dawn 5 £45 Sensu 5 £45 Beni Schichihenge 3 £40 Red Filigree Lace 3 £40 Amagi Shigure 4 £45 Amagi Shigure 4 £45 Gold Reticulated 4 £45 Filigree 2 £35 Pink Filigree 2 £35 Mystic Jewel 2 £40 Autumn Moon 5 £150 Jordan 5 £65 Okagami 4 £65 Shojo Nomura 4 £65 Hogyoko 3 £45 Ichigyoji 3 £45 Red Pygmy 4 £45 Dissectum Nigrum 3 £40 Ariadne 4 £55 Peaches and Cream 4 £45 Peaches and Cream 3 £40 Ornatum 6 £75 Westonbirt Orange 6 £75 Wakehurst Pink 6 £75 Skeeters Broom 8 £120 Shaina 5 £50 Shidiva Gold 8 £80 Omureyama 8 £80 Lilleanne’s Jewel 3 £45 Shirazz 15 £250 Geisha Gone Wild 8 £125 Irish Lace 7 £150 Seuin Kaku 5 £85 Fairy Lights 3 £35 Baby Ghost 3 £40 Beni Tsukasa 3 £35 Kumoi Nishiki 3 £40 Red Flamingo 3 £45 Seigen 2 £30 Black Lace 3 £45 Brandt’s Dwarf 4 £50 Emma 4 £45 Miss Piggy 3 £45 Isobel 3 £45 Mila 2 £30 Hi No Tsukasa 2 £30 Hino Tori Nishiki 2 £30 Mirte 2 £30 Momoiro Koyasan 2 £30 Beni Shigitatsu Sawa 2 £30 Gloria 2 £30 Red Dragon 2 £30 Lionheart 2 £30 Mr Sun 2 £45 Germaines Gyration 3 £45 First Ghost 3 £45 Grandma Ghost 3 £45 Kinran 2 £45 Ottos Dissectum 3 £45 Esk Sunset 3 £65 Esk Sunset 4 £65 Yasemin 2 £45 Dragons Fire 2 £45 Emmetts Pumpkin 2 £45 Alpenweiss 2 £45 Beni Hoshi 2 £45 Hinode Nishiki 2 £45 Iro Iro 2 £45 Jeddolah Orange 2 £45 Johin 2 £45 Koyuki 2 £45 Nicholsonii 2 £45 Orion 2 £45 Globosum 2 £45 Ruby Stars 2 £45 Mikawa Nishiki 4 £45 Izu no Odoriko 3 £85 Peve Multicolour 3 £45 Orange Flames 3 £45 Mikazuki 3 £55 Mikazuki 2 £45 Olsens Frosted Strawberry 3 £45 Burgundy Lace 4 £55 Aki Tsuma Gaki 3 £25 Tsuma Gaki 3 £45 Villa Taranto 3 £45 Manyo No Sato 3 £45 Vitifolium 3 £45 Please feel free to message me regarding any of this, however I no longer live at the address they are at and can’t keep going round to take pics to send. Please understand that this is a very hard time for me right now. Many thanks to everyone for everything! Regards Luke
So sorry to hear you have to sell them. Unfortunately, living across the pond means it would be too expensive to ship trees, otherwise I would have put an option on smaller ones.
@Luke’s Maples Have you thought about storing the trees rather than selling them off? Just an idea.. I have an area of my garden that was laid to lawn that my kids trampoline ruined.. probably 25 ft x 18ft. I’m going to sow a lawn in the spring but if you want to store your trees till say March/April I’d be happy to help..get a large van bring them here..over winter pick them up in the Spring.. just a thought.. pm me if you would like to discuss offline
That’s a great idea and thoughtful too. However, I don’t see myself being in a financial position to buy another house that will a garden fit for my collection. I just need to sell them to pay for my temporary accommodation while I try and find somewhere to live. Thanks though. Like I said, smart thinking!
@dicky5ash did I recall you say you were interested in a few? Please let me know which ones so I can put them to one side for you. I can do something with the prices too.
Sorry to hear the bad news @Luke’s Maples. I also hate that you are across the pond from me as well. I would have field day!
Hello Luke, I have been feeling very sad since learning that you must give up your precious maples. It is a reminder that all gardeners must say good-bye to their cherished gardens and beautiful plants sooner or later. The saying, "Better to have loved and lost . . . " comes to mind but it's really no comfort. I hope you will remember your maple collection with joy and be comforted by the knowledge that you have contributed so much to this forum. I, for one, have learned a lot from you.
Still looking good for me to come and see you on the 2nd or 3rd December Luke. Government saying lockdown will end on the 2nd.
First of all, thanks Margot for the kinds words. That really meant a lot to me. My life has been better for having Japanese Maples in it than not. So yes, your are definitely correct. D, yep - it’s on!
Very sad to read this, I haven't been a member here for long but have very much enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your pictures. I hope your situation improves soon.
Wonderful to meet an absolutely wonderfully enthusiastic maple grower today in Luke. And a really nice guy. His trees are in wonderful condition, so if anybody fancies a new maple, 'do get in touch with him'. I am hoping he will be back on the forum in no time at all as he will be very sadly missed.
Hello Luke. I'm very sorry for your situation, and even more sorry for not being able to help you. If I were in the UK, I would surely buy several maples. I hope and wish that your situation improves as soon as possible. A hug.
Well finally went down to Oxford on Tuesday to collect my pre ordered maples from Luke's home, nice to meet him again and sorry that i have had to buy some of his deeply loved collection of trees , know for a fact he will miss them , but will give them a good home and bring them on over the years. Ended up buying 17 different cultivars from his collection one of which i have been wanting for years 'Emmets' pumpkin and such a nicely shaped tree as well, looking forward to seeing this progress. So a 8.30 am start from West Yorkshire drove down to Oxford then i had also arranged to then go up to Norfolk to collect another three different cultivars from Bay's nursery , so finally got home at 9.30 pm tired and hungry but well pleased with my marathon 440 mile round trip for more maple trees !!!!! Xmas present from me to me :) Now where are you all going to live ?? Thanks Luke for some very nice cultivars worth the trip to both places.
First of all I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words of encouragement. I am attaching an updated list of what is now left and available for sale. Prices can be negotiated. Palmatum 4 £40 Palmatum 4 £35 Orangeola 3 £40 Butterfly 7 £150 Atropurpureum 4 £35 Emerald Lace 3 £40 Beni Otake 2 £30 Beni Otake 3 £50 Ukigumo 10 £80 Ukigumo 4 £50 Mikawa Yatsubusa 4 £50 Trompenburg 4 £40 Enkan 5 £65 Going Green 3 £30 Aratama 2 £30 Ueno Yama 2 £30 Flavescens 6 £80 Oregon Sunset 5 £50 Oregon Sunset 2 £30 Oregon Sunset 2 £30 Kasagiyama 2 £30 Baldsmith 2 £30 Hime Shojo 3 £35 Omato 4 £45 Red Dawn 5 £45 Red Filigree Lace 3 £40 Amagi Shigure 4 £45 Autumn Moon 5 £150 Okagami 4 £65 Red Pygmy 4 £45 Dissectum Nigrum 3 £40 Peaches and Cream 3 £40 Shaina 5 £50 Shidiva Gold 8 £80 Omureyama 8 £80 Geisha Gone Wild 8 £125 Beni Tsukasa 3 £35 Red Flamingo 3 £45 Seigen 2 £30 Black Lace 3 £45 Brandt’s Dwarf 4 £50 Emma 4 £45 Isobel 3 £45 Mila 2 £30 Momoiro Koyasan 2 £30 Gloria 2 £30 Red Dragon 2 £30 Lionheart 2 £30 Esk Sunset 3 £65 Esk Sunset 4 £65 Yasemin 2 £45 Alpenweiss 2 £45 Iro Iro 2 £45 Jeddolah Orange 2 £45 Nicholsonii 2 £45 Globosum 2 £45 Ruby Stars 2 £45 Peve Multicolour 3 £45 Orange Flames 3 £45 Burgundy Lace 4 £55 Aki Tsuma Gaki 3 £25 Vitifolium 3 £45 Skeeters Broom 10 £120 Orange Dream 6 £100 thanks again everyone Luke
Good afternoon Luke, well I'm pleased to see your list is coming down. But so very sad at the same time. Just thought I would let you know that the two I bought from you are doing very well in my garden after the long round trip. You looked after them 'very well indeed'. As we chatted about in your garden, do make sure you keep at least one. You can then post photos of it in the Spring. I for one will enjoy seeing them and hearing once again your enthusiasm on everything Maple. Take care.