I saw this yellow composite just off the beach on the south shore of Nova Scotia - Lunenberg County on August 11, 2007. At first I thought Hieracium, but I'm unable to confirm it in either Peterson/McKenny (1968) or Audubon (1979). From experience I thought that the leaf would be highly characteristic, so at the time I didn't look for a basal that might be quite different...and it's a LONG hike back to the site ! Any help will be much appreciated.
I'm no expert but I'll guess...The Alternate looks like a Canada Hawkweed or Narrowleaf Hawkweed but the composite is so much fuller. Like a common Dandilian head. Something in the Aster family. Good luck.
Luv2grdn, Thanks for your reply. I'm relying on the BC gov't website http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfp/publications/00230/Hawkweed key_PNW_R3-June06.pdf to consider the two you mentioned: Canada Hawkweed and Narrowleaf Hawkweed. Canada Hawkweed's stem is said to have "abundant leaves" with "long spreading hairs". I don't see this in my flower. Narrowleaf Hawkweed's leaf is said to narrow to its base, and to have margins that are rolled under (revolute), and to be stiff and hairy. None of these things is true of my flower, either. BUT, I'm encouraged that you also think it might be a Hieracium. Thanks again. John