I plant an avacado seed, and it grows right away. But, after is it about 18 to 24 inches high, the leaves start turning brown and drying out. Not too long after that the plant will die. What am I doing wrong? What should I do to keep this from happening?
Well a description of what you ARE doing would certainly help, but are you aware that they grow very long tap roots, and if those are not cut back once your plant is e.g. a foot tall, you won't get regular little feeder roots growing up around the base of the plant, but all growing only from the tap root, which then (probably) gets squished in whatever pot you are using. Also, you need to water properly - i.e. when the plant needs it, not to a schedule, or when it's still sodden from the last time (a grittier soil mix would help there), or don't leave the pot sitting in drain water, which can rot roots, but do water once the top of the soil and a bit more has dried, and do it enough so it reaches the drain hole. Give it lots of sun.