About 5 or 6 years ago I saved a plant at work from the trash. There were two individual stocks of the same plant with bascially no roots. It is about one to two inches around in the stock and had big green leaves with white spots. I simply put it into some new dirt and over the years it has grown to touch the 10 foot ceilings in our livingroom. I have tied it to sticks to keep it going up and it looses it's bottom leaves but gets many new leaves in a year. I came got up one morning and it was completely laying over. I don't know what kind of plant it is or what to do. It still looks healthy but have it laying over the top of a tall piece of furniture until I can figure what to do. Can I cut it off and reroot it? Help!
Can you not post a picture of it, or a few leaves? When's the last time you repotted and is the pot large enough? Is it not getting any light up at the ceiling (natural sun, not a 60w bulb 10' away)?
Okay attached is a picture of my plant. The room is 10 foot tall. The plant has grown for at least 7 years and I've transplanted it about a year or two ago. I has always stood tall and even now each stalk has a new leaf coming out. It's by windows and it gets lots of natural sunlight, but the other morning I noticed it was laying over on the floor. What happened? Is it okay? What can I do for it to support it? I haven't changed anything like watering habits or anything. Thanks for the help. Mary
Dieffenbachia. You could just cut it back and start it over from lower down, I imagine. Othewise replace the stake with a taller one and re-tie.