I bought Supersoil potting soil and used some portion of it. After a while when I opened the bag, I found some mushroom like stuff which had grown. Cleaned it up as much as possible and went ahead and used it for planting. I have been using this Supersoil for quite a while but the last couple of bags have been having this mushroom growth. If I leave the bag open in sun, the soil looks dry. If I tie and close the top and open it after couple of days, the soil somehow becomes way too wet even when in no contact with any source. I water once in 3 days and when too hot, I water it once in 2 days. The problem is everytime I water, the next day I see this mushroom stuff coming up mostly around the edge of the pot and from the water holes in the planter. These mushrooms come up and are yellow in color about 2-2.5 inches tall in bunches. Within overnight, the mushroom bud becomes black and dies out. Is there a way to get rid of this. Any suggestions. Thanks, Sanjay.
Have you considered returning the product to the store where you bought it for a new bag or maybe another similar product?
i have a problem similar to this, but it is in my tropical hibiscus's, one has white mushrooms and the other has yellow ones. Are they harmful? i am ready to pot up before i bring them in for the winter, how or should i go about this?
Your mushrooms in your potting soil and pots are called yellow houseplant mushrooms and are basically harmless. Just don't eat them. I have some too and they have never caused problems. I think they're pretty. http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/feb2002.html Newt