Hello I am working in a mushroom project. Can you help me to identify and confirm these mushroom from Albania please? I tried to identify them but I need an confirmation from an expert please. Thanks
Greetings @ariani , Lovely finds and photos! Your identifications appear to be in the ballpark, with some closer than others. When you’re looking for help with identification via photo, for many kinds of mushrooms more than one photo angle is required, and in some cases, other kinds of information as well. I’ll send you a handy info graphic on this when I get back to my computer. For example, with your Agaricus, the whole mushroom would need to be seen, including intact base, ring and under-cap details, plus information on whether there is staining when scratched or bruised, and if so, whether the staining is yellow or red or other colour. Odour is helpful with this genus, typically whether it’s smells like almonds, bandages/ iodine, or a mild mushrooms smell.. in some cases habitat will narrow things down for Agaricus - mostly whether this was found in the urban or yard situation versus the forest. For different kinds of mushrooms, different characters will be relevant for accurate identification.
A few notes in case useful: Photo #1 Agaricus sp. (notes above) Photo #2 Amanita section Caesareae Photo #3 Amanita sp. Photo #4 - looks like Chroogomphus, C. vinicolor or similar to me ... but I can only see so much thus far: When you were seeing the specimen in person you would have noted characteristics that I can't see right now like decurrent gills with dark spore stains etc. Photo $5 - Can't tell what genus this is without more info, though it could be a Clitocybe s.l. Photo #6 - Can't tell for certain without more info Photo #7 - looks marasmioid so far. I think you can eliminate O. mucida re lack of pronounced ring & goo, but not a genus I know well and conditions may cause dryness or loss of ring. Photo #8 - definitely looks like a Suillus but not enough visible to get to species: For this genus, info on ring/no ring, if ring what kind, glandular dots, topside features, proximate tres, and staining when bruised. Photo #9 - need more info
You are welcome Ariana Lastly, here's a link to a pinned post in this space containing other tools / checklists for mushroom ID: https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/threads/tools-for-identifying-mushrooms.44106/