Greetings. Thanks for reading at least this sentence. I have what I assume is a Murraya paniculata. I got it yesterday from someone I care about. It was, what she considered "dead". It has about 202 leaves (which doesn't look like a lot), they are orange, and although frail, do not crumble at touch, in fact they are quite - relative to those that crumble - healthy and resilient. I know this is quite early in the game, but I am looking for some sensible tips, or just some positive discussion with respect to jasmine trees. Some things I'm dealing with follow. 1. Is direct sunlight cool all day? 2. a) Should I keep the soil moist? b) Should I water it but once a week, like I've read? 3. Is it really better to have a breathable clay pot, versus a plastic coated one? 4. Should I consider misting? 5. Should I add sugar to the water I use to water it? 6. Is fertilizer necessary with such an exotic plant? 7. Is vermiculite a good idea? 8. (I've read the Celestine Prophecy) Will my psychic energy benefit this plant? (;) thanks for your time.
Hello turuses, They like bright light. Full sun might be too much. They like moisture in summer, not quite as much in winter. Clay pots do breath more, but you can certainly grow Murraya in plastic pots. Misting is OK or adding humidity to the air in some fashion. Fertilizer in summer may be helpful - don't overdo it. I have never added sugar to plant water. Might help a weak plant, but seems like it might encourage disease/rot in the soil. Vermiculite - shouldn't hurt. Just use ordinary houseplant soil. If you can conjur up psychic energy, let us know how that one works.
thanks eric The energy transfer is going well, but it would be better if you and whoever else is reading this just concentrated and repeated the mantra "grow turuses' jasmine tree). But I digress With the description of my leaves in mind, should I prune them or maybe prune some stems (some have no leaves on them at all (not many)). 'Like, would it be a good idea to prune some to leave a few stems, with or without leaves to somehow focus the tree's efforts on less, y'know?
I just registered in here, i was looking for orange jasmine tree to buy, i live in gta toronto, where to buy it?
Check with Flora Exotica. They have it listed as Murraya exotica. Smaller specimens in 4" (unlabelled) pots are often sold in local nurseries.