The murraya exotica plant has jaggered edged leaves and grows in a very bushy format. I have recently purchased murraya exotica seed, but once germinated and developed, the plants looked differnt from what I know. Experts described it as a Murraya Paniculata. Leaves do not have jaggered edges and the growth pattern is more upright than bushy. This plant is not popular however. The only way to get e decent " exotica" variety is by making cuttings. The supplier insists that the seed is true to type, that is exotica. Literature I managed to lay my hands on says that there is no difference between the two " types". Can anybody shed light on this phenomena?
M. exotica & M. paniculata are not much differen. exotica has slightly larger lowers, paniculata has narrower petals & smaller flowers.
Thank you Nandan. It is amazing that here, our customer population is not interested in the Paniculata variety..... but I suppose it is their priviledge.