My next thread. Thanks again :) Another heart shaped plant. Leaves are all green when new, turn green/white with age. Second looks like it might be a rubber plant? Leaves are all green and grow to the size of a hand. Has woody stem/trunk. Third might be an umbrella plant or a money plant. Has many finger-like leaves on each stem. All leaves fan out of the end and are about 5 inches long.
#1 looks like an Alocasia, but I'm not sure which one. #2 looks like a rubber tree to mee.... I've got hi-i-gh hopes... #3 is a Schefflera (Umbrella tree)
Thanks everyone. Googled many of the names and looked for pics. Definitely right-on with your answers :) Number one totally looks like at White-Veined Arrowhead Vine, Nephthytis 'Imperial White' Syngonium podophyllum. Number two is an elastica. Number three looks like Schefflera Arboricola (Dwarf Umbrella) or a Schefflera Trinette. Thanks again. Going to get these guys into their ideal pots, light and water situations :) Peace.