Third and final one... The first looks like a mini palm tree. Stem/trunk is wood. It would fall over, but is tied up. Leaves are about 7 inches long on the largest stem. Appears to have beaded like seed strings/pods. Second plant looks like it could turn into lily pads or something. It droops severely when it wants water and then perks straight up. Multiple leaves/stems grow out of one stalk. Stems are about 2 feet long and leaves are heart shaped. Solid green in colour. Thanks friends :)
#1 Might be a Croton, Codiaeum variegatum. Photopro should be along shortly to ID the Aroid. HTH Chris
Thanks Chris. It seems to only have green leaves though. The seeds kinda look like those in the background. A string of half-a-dozen white'ish seeds attached to a small stem. Thanks again :) Here's a Croton that looks like your plant. HTH Chris
#1 Definitely Codiaeum variegatum probably the cultivar 'Banana': ( ) that has lost most of it's variegation from lack of light. Photopro is definitely the best man for the job of properly IDing the aroid, but I'm gonna go with Anthurium for #2
I believe is is Ed is right, there are no lines or creases on the leaves of my Anthurium, although the shape of the leaves on your plant do resemble an it.
Chris your link to that Croton definitely seems correct. I couldn't open L.plant's link though. #2 does look like the "Emerald Gem" variety of the Homalomena, although mine isn't waxy like that one. Thanks everyone :)