moving a grape vine

Discussion in 'Grapes and Grape Vines' started by lallie, May 1, 2006.

  1. lallie

    lallie Member

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    edmonton canada
    I am needing advice on when and how to move a mature grape vine. It is aprox 6 years old (valient variety) i live in edmonton, zone 3. should i root prune and prune the entire vine in spring and move in fall? i have read some suggestions that include both of these steps but not in the same posting. what i want to know is do i do both or one or none? please help. i would like to give it the best chance of survival. lallie
  2. Margaret

    Margaret Active Member 10 Years

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    Sunshine Coast, B C Canada
    There is a large amount of info about vines in the grape vine forum of this site along with some very knowledgeable growers who contribute. I am no expert as I only inherited my 30 year old plants when we bought our house but until one of the experts replies this might give you an idea of what to do. The general idea, I think, seems to be that grape vines are difficult to move and that you are much better taking cuttings and starting new. Look on the forum though in the meantime as it is a fund of knowledge.

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