Mouse / Rat ? Issue eating Bulbs & Plants

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by erzsi, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. erzsi

    erzsi Member

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    If anyone can help that would be awesome!

    We seem to have some sort of small mouse like rodent that comes out of holes in the ground and is a brownish greyish color that LOVES to eat the bulbls of my flowrs and the new delicate shoots on them.

    Any ideas on what this critter is and one would go about getting rid of it?????

    just as a note, our property backs on to a raveen so we have a bit more wild life than most people :(
  2. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    Welcome to the best forum anywhere.
    We've had a similar problem to yours for about a year. Thought for sure it was a mole. Bulbs eaten or moved. Ranted and stomped about that D--- mole. Then I was told the Moles eat meat. Voles eat veggies. And rats eat anything. Put out a few Rat cakes. We have no cats or dogs that run loose so felt pretty safe. Low and behold a rat staggered out onto the lawn a few days ago and was sumarily dispached. Where there is one there are most likely several, so we will continue with the cakes for a while. If you do have neighborhood cats and dogs be aware that if they eat a sick rat they can get sick too because the main ingredient in the rat cakes is warfarin, which is a blood thinner. They literally bleed to death internally. Not a nice way for a pet to go, but rats aren't pets. We tied ours in the middle of a 3' by 3 1/2 " piece of PVC pipe. Drill a hole clear thru the center. Secure the rat cake with wire in the center so it can't be drug out or anything bigger than the rat can get in. Several old buildings were torn down in Old Town Anacortes and the rats spread out looking for new homes. The City and the County gave us the above directions as to how to get rid of them as safely as possible. Good luck! barb.
  3. et2007

    et2007 Active Member

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    N. Olmsted, OH. USA
    I have the same problem with " chipmon" this year I'm growing edible flower, I haven't taste it yet and they ate them all...
  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    You can plant bulbs inside wire mesh but this will not of course save the shoots from being eaten. Here the problem I have seen is eastern gray squirrels digging up crocuses, clipping the shoots off and eating the corms.

    People also dig and eat crocus corms where these grow wild.

    Have not had that problem here.

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