I received the mountain maples spring 2008 catalog in the mail today and found the pictures to be a nice treat. There were some interesting groupings as well. I was saddened to hear of the passing of Nancy Fiers which may be late news to most of you. If you know of any other nurseries that make such catalog please post or PM me.
Nope, I don't think the business is closed. Her husband Don writes the introduction and plans for 2008.
Nancy sadly passed in October 2006 as the result of being a passenger in a traffic accident. Her daughter Trish is very competently running the business which is very much alive.
>I was saddened to hear of the passing of Nancy Fiers which may be late news to most of you. If you know of any other nurseries that make such catalog please post or PM me< Sounds like you are saying you can't buy from them anymore.
Paxi If you want to have a look at some really stunning photographs of Japanese maples (some very rare) have a look at the website of Greer Gardens in Oregon (I am unsure whether or not they actually print a catalogue though) http://www.greergardens.com/acers.htm
The Mountain Maples website states that Tricia has moved on to a new venture and is no longer with them.
I have bought JM's from Greer Gardens, and yes, they do have a catalog. I found it to be quite a diverse collection of palnts that they sell. I had very good luck with them as well.
NJACER, thanks u for that note about Trish leaving. I spoke with her not long ago and did not know that. I will call Trish & find out what she is doing Harold Greer who owns Greer Gardens is a wonderful gentleman and merchant. I have bought quite a few trees from Greer Gardens with success & they stand by their product. Jalf, I used to live in Pembroke next door to Middleboro which is a nice part of the Bay State.
I meant to mention that altho Buchholz & Buchholz is wholesale & I have not bought from Talon, they produce (or used to) a catalogue with fabulous photos like Mountain Maples & Greer Gardens
I just got my MM catalog as well. Drool. Rose growers call catalogs like that one "rose porn". Now I have maple porn! ;-)
Paxi, The trees were ordered late summer and they had lost a lot of their leaves by the time they arrived. But I put them into the ground and watered deeply and regularly and they look great. I'm anxious to see them leaf out come May! I would like to order more but if I do, I will order in early March so that they are still dormant for the trip. Jalf
I have used greer gardens in the past. Nice selection, and they stand behind their products. Jalf, I though I was the only one on the east coast messing with maple info at this time of day. Krautz
Krautz, Sad but true, the addiction doesn't seem to have a healthy time frame! :) I was on my way to the gym, actually. Jalf
Ron B., I could not find that Buchholz&Buchholz website you mentioned. Do you have a url by chance? Thank you.