Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me ID this flower. The picture was taken on the 1st of May back in 2003, on the mountain top of Ai Petri in Ukraine. Anyone know what flower it is? Thank you. Brian.
it reminds me of Anemone pulsatilla http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/factsheets/wildflowers/anemone_pulsatilla.html perhaps its related?
This is pulsatilla halleri (taurica) -endemic to Crimea Ukrainian and Russian common name for Pulsatillas -Dream flower-by the legend if you put flower under you pillow you will see prophetic dreams :-) Very nice pic.
i think halleri is more likely, although it does say in my book the flowers of halleri appear with the leaves?
Some refer to it as pulsatilla taurica, some as pulsatilla halleri (taurica) http://www.shutterstock.com/s/crimea/cat-p2.html?searchterm=crimea&sortby=newest&
Excellent, Thanks everyone for a very fast answer. It was me and my wife who where there some years ago, and we could not figure out what flower it was. :-)