Hey everybody. Let me introduce myself here. My name is Bradley McConnell and i'm a senior at a little county high school. I'm trying my best to pass my horticulture class and i need a little help here. We have to do a plant book with alot of different plants the teacher gives us and im stuck on this one. The teacher calls it "mother of 10,000" but i know that cant be all. She says she cant find the scientific name anywhere and i wanna find it. Hey, it doesn't hurt to attempt to suck up to the teacher. The plant/weed (which she said it is) has green, jagged leaves. It has grayish spots on it with a grayish stem. My little brother had this class as a freshman and failed it but did manage to keep this sorry little sucker alive. My teacher says it grows anywhere and everywhere and hard to kill. I have this picture here of it i just snapped. I have no photo editing programs anymore so this is the best i can do. if anybody can help me indentify the "mother of 10,000", i will greatly appreciate it. thanks!
Yes, It is Kalanchoe daigremontiana or More commonly known as Mother of Thousands. Succulent . It will also put out roots from its stem so you can cut it off and start a new one or if it falls over it will root and start a new plant. Babies are grown inbetween the saw tooth edges on the leaf. Leave them there till they start to root and then take off a plant .
The plant is declared a noxious weed where I live. I guess being a succulent it wouldn't withstand frost too well and might not be so invasive in colder areas. I'd advise keep as pot plant only and don't plant it in your garden.
Yes it's a Kalanchoe daigremontiana. I had one sitting in a shelf and i moved the shelf to dust and there were 5 growing on the window seal made of marble and they were about 2 inches in length they will grow anywhere and need practically no attention. I know what you are going through I also had hort class in high school but I went on to get an assoc degree in it. Trust me it gets easier! Just ask if you need help!