(Mostly) Discovery Place Plant IDs

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by rootbboy, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. rootbboy

    rootbboy Active Member

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    vancouver, Canada
    Looking for ID's on several plants in the Discovery Place Park in Burnaby (next to Ea Sports).

    First 3 Photos - Shortish plant (less than 1 m) with Holly like, pointed leaves. Looks introduced, but not sure?

    Next 3 Photos, Plant with thorns on the stem. The 5th photo shows that it has quite woody growth, and the thorns are very obvious. New plants cover the forest floor on mostly disturbed, open areas near the gravel path. I haven't been able to see flowers, though I've checked only sporadically in late summer, and today in the fall.

    Next plant looks similar to Salal (photo 7), but the color is much darker, and the leaves are a little bit different? Not sure if it is Gaultheria or an introduced species? Common throughout the forest.

    Next plant looks like daphne ( PHOTO 8,9), though I'm not sure?

    Photos 10 and 11 showed up in my vegetable garden where I planted arugula seeds, though this plant looks not like it..looks to be a low growing herb...The pink flowers have a pungent odour.

    Lastly, I purchased a Maidenhair fern from the Alpine Garden sale this fall, the label said
    "Adiantum pendatum subspp. aleuticum?"

    Unfortunately I didn't ask the lady at the counter, how would I be able to distinguish Adiantum pendatum from Adiantum aleuticum? I can take more pictures if it'll help ID the plant.

    Thanks for all help!!

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  2. Chris Morris

    Chris Morris Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby Canada
    Pictures 1,2 and 3 look like English Holly, non native and invasive 4,5 and 6 look like Salmonberry- native and 8 and 9 look like Spurge Laurel- invasive.

    Do't take my word for it on any of these though, as I'm a novice gardener.
  3. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    ##1-3 are Common Holly Ilex aquifolium (widespread in Europe, not necessarily English).
  4. Axel

    Axel Active Member

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    Budapest, Hungary
    Ditto to spurge laurel (Daphne laureola).

    Those two Adiantum species are very closely related and hard to tell apart, but if it was labelled as A. pedatum subsp. aleuticum, then it should be A. aleuticum, unless they have it wrongly identified to start with.
  5. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Along with Lamium galeobdolon, Gaultheria shallon, Glechoma hederacea.

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