Just want to leave a link to my moss journals at Photobucket http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s184/jwcimage/Mosses/ NOTE: THE SECTIONS OF MOSS JOURNALS THAT ARE ON SITE CAN BE ACCESSED BY THE LINKS IN THE UPPER LEFT SIDE BOX (at this time California, Oregon, Minnesota, Tropical, and Utah-Georgia is empty but I have posted those pages at the Georgia Botanical Society forum-click on the Bryophytes thread http://www.gabotsoc.org/forum/index.php?board=5.0 Recently lthe topcities site where most of my plant journals were posted deleted my site (for unknown reasons). I am only glad that almost all of them were constructed as jpegs! To view each journal just click on the thumbnail for a larger view. I also have several other journals at Photobucket as well and will be adding more. What is reallly of importance to me are the files on the North American Selaginella, sub-genus Tetragonostachys. I will post up the jpegs at Photobucket but will be posting on a thread here the mostly html pages and the keys that are in pdf. I have constructed field keys for California and Arizona in pdf files. I want to do a key for Texas which has the largest number of Selaginella species in North America (don't know about Mexico). It is alot of reworking but I really think that what I have done has merit and will be of importance to those who are interested. Comments are always welcomed. Thanks in advance.