Can anyone out there help me ID some of the species on this beautiful branch? I picked it up at the edge of the parking lot at Burnaby Lake. Will I be able to keep them alive? I have it sitting on my NW-facing balcony.
Most of the large concentrations of moss are likely to be Orthotrichum, perhaps Orthotrichum lyellii. As for keeping them alive, I wouldn't hold much hope for the long-term. Whatever environment they were growing in has changed by having fallen. For example, they are no longer subject to the light levels or air movement. Fungi will also eventually attack the branch, decaying it out from beneath them...
That's what I was afraid of, Daniel. Nature doesn't want to be tamed. I guess I'll try to keep it damp and get the watercolours out; then see if I can transplant some of it, just as an experiment. It's so beautiful, like living jewels. Thanks for getting back to me.