Hi all, I recently purchased a large 6ft umbrella tree about a month ago. I transplanted it into a larger pot and have it in my family room where it gets medium/bright indirect light. I also sprayed it with some neem oil to help discourage spider mites. I've noticed that every morning about 6-8 leaves fall off. The leaves that fell off used to look green and healthy. Now the ones that have fallen off have brown spots or are entirely brown. I don't think it's overwatering, the brown leaves are very dry to the touch. There is also new growth coming out of the top that appears green and healthy. What's happening to my poor tree? :(
did it actually have a spider mite infestation?? if not, then the neem treatment may be the issue. especially if you sprayed a lot on. have you wiped it down since? the oil can block the pores in the leaves. also, you moved it AND repotted it without giving it a chance to get used to the new conditions. they're kind of finicky and are sensitive to changes in their lighting and will drop leaves. if you've got new growth happening, i wouldn't worry at all. hopefully, the new container has drainage holes in it...if not, i'd repot it again because it'll end up with root rot otherwise.
Thanks joclyn, I think the neem oil is the problem! I did spray quite a bit, I didn't realize too much would actually do harm. Yes, the new container has drainage holes. Do you think I should spray down the leaves with some water to try and rinse off some of the neem oil?