1. Tulipa and Salix. (Pussy willow) 2. Euonymus. Possibly E. fortunei Emerald Gaiety. 3. Need a close up of the leaves please. 4. Mertensia. Praps M. virginica. 5. Phlox. Praps P. subulata. 6. Viola. 7. Clematis. 8. 9. Praps Euonymus again. Need a close up . 10. Geranium. 11. Gerbera praps. 12. A fern. Praps Blechnum spicant.
8. Probably dwarf cultivar of Subalpine Fir Abies lasiocarpa, high-grafted on a fir stem. Would like to see a close-up for definite confirmation, there's a chance it might be a Blue Spruce Picea pungens cultivar.