More plant/flower id's pleaze...

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Lomitus, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Lomitus

    Lomitus New Member

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    Akron, Ohio
    Alrighty...I'm back looking for some more id's on stuff growing in the yard of our new house. We've eradicated the hosta and iris's due to their toxicity to dogs (although we did save the iris seed pods to replant out in front of the house next spring), but we have some more stuff growing here that we need to decide whether or not to move/pull. We've had some rather rampant doggie diarrhea this past week (all 3 of our mutts have had it), so we're trying to figure out if they've been getting into the plants or if it's just something bacterial or viral.


    My wife thinks this first batch...these orange flowers, are "tiger lillies", however I'm not really sure they look like pics I've seen on Google Images.


    Along with the orange flowers are these larger yellow flowers...except for the color and size, they actually appear (to my untrained eye at least) to be quite similar to the orange flowers...similar stems and roughage, etc..


    ...and obviously, they were all planted in one fair size clump together. I know that doesn't mean anything specifically, however since the 2 different types of iris's were planted together, I'm guessing there's a good chance these could just be 2 varieties of the same plant/flowers.

    Mainly need to know what they are, so I can look up whether or not they're toxic to dogs/critters, but any additional info is certainly welcome as we may re-plant these out front along with the iris seeds.

    Along with this new batch of flowers, we also have a few other things growin' in the yard as well that I could use some insight on...


    Sorry for the poor picture quality here, but we have a few of these ferns growing around the yard. They're actually quite pretty and I'd like to keep them, but need to know what they are, again so I can look up toxicity info and such.


    Likewise, we have a fair amount of this stuff (referring to the stuff towards the upper left corner of the picture) that's growing under a pine tree. As the dogs have taken to laying around under the pine tree (at least when it's hot outside), this stuff is a pretty big concern. Again, sorry for the poor pic, but here's a bit of a close up...


    I'm not really too concerned about keeping this stuff...not terribly pretty or decorative...but also not going to go to the trouble of pulling it out unless it proves to be something toxic/poisonous to my mutts (at least until we take the pine tree down...then it's all gonna go).

    Also have a few things growing out front too, but not going to worry about that at the moment since my dogs don't go out front...more just curious about what all of it is, so I may come back to it a bit later (unless my wife decides to pull ALL of it and put in echinacia and other herbals/medicinals instead).

    Alrighty...again I'm most grateful for any info/insight folks here can provide!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2016
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    First couple pics are of daylilies, Hemerocallis spp as opposed to true lilies, Lilium spp.

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