May be an investment opportunity - get out of herbicide companies and into goats!! Just joking but goats as weed control seems to be an idea which is becoming more acceptable. Margaret
Works for me! The Fraser Valley would be a much more interesting place with some boulevard goats. I see this is going to be presented to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. The goats need to be controlled, since they will eat a site bare if not monitored. I wonder if we could launch an IGO (Initial Goat Offering) on the TSX? gb.
I have run several goats and some sheep in a team with the horse agistment and my paddocks are spotless of blackberries and thistles. I also let them eat safe prunings from the garden and they recycle from the other end perfectly. :) I do know from my livestock guardian list (dogs) that goats in company with LGD are being used to weed I think they call them wood lots and also I think government wastelands to help with fire control. Not sure if in US or Canada. The combination of guardian dogs not herding dogs) and goats is centuries old in Europe where they work with shepherds to graze summer pastures. Some dog types are Pyrenean, Maremma and Anatolian. Liz who is owned by 4 Maremma and a Pyr
It's definitely the norm down here. Almost every week I go by a bit of boulevard that's being maintained by goats, and they're generally available as kids in the market where I shop. It's not unusual to see the greenskeepers driving goats down the sidewalk, especially on Fridays. And I live in the capital city! We have some very nice goats here.