In response to one of the posts in the members-only forums, I've added more avatars (the small picture that is to the left of people's names - in my case, it is the UBC BGCPR logo). To add / change your avatar: My Settings (in the upper navigation bar) -> Edit Avatar (under Control Panel) -> Select an image and press Go. If anyone wants to help out and make more (and has access to an image-editing program like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro) from the images that are posted by garden researchers / staff, let me know. It'd be great if there were ten times as many.
Thanks to Marn, there are six new avatars available. (Guilty confession - Marn sent me these in May - but I _am_ going to get through my backlog of emails in the next few weeks)
But please - don't allow animated gif avatars! Seen them on some other vBulletin forums, and they're a horrible nuisance and a real pain for people on dial-up Michael
Good choice! This should apply to smilies too if you ever reinstate them. (And no - I'm not asking for reinstatement.) Simple is good.