#1 looks like it is Foeniculum vulgare - Fennel. Smells like anis when rubbed. Great on BBQd fish, with some lemon juice, salt & olive oil...must be suppertime! gb
#2 is a hemizonia/Deinandra sp., maybe H. fasciculata #3 is Anemopsis californica, a relative of Houttuynia #4 is Malacothrix saxatilis
Nope. Leftovers. If you are poaching or baking fish, chop Fennel fine & sprinkle it on. Try it. I didn't invent this myself. I am sure you will find it in recipes. The Carrot family has a wonderful variety of herbs, but stick to things you can verily. gb
Ditto to Glass Brain on the Fennel, excellent with fish, but you do need to select tender young leaves; leaves from a plant already in flower are usually too old, tough and coarse, like chewing bits of wire. As well as on poached or baked fish it also makes a good substitute for Dill in making pickled salmon, if you can't get Dill.