I was given a Monkey Tree seed now in August, and after reading the info on your site I see I can't plant it until February, I was wondering if I can freeze it so I can plant it in February?
I sowed my monkey puzzle tree seed by sticking many seeds in an indoor pot in September and watering these occasionally for 30 days. Nothing happened (I actually dug up the seeds to look) so I poked the seeds back in and put the pot in a dark hallway with plans to move it to the basement. I am a poor housekeeper, so months later, like in March or April, my daughter pointed out that there were spiky sprouts coming out of the pot (which had been bone dry and relatively warm at 55-70 degrees F). I transplanted those into gallon pots and took these outside where they get watered regularly and are exposed to our Portland OR weather. When they are about a foot tall (two or three years old) I give them to friends or sell them to interested strangers. So you may want to try my method, which is based entirely on dumb luck and benign neglect--unless someone else has had success freezing them. I know the trees themselves can be killed by a freeze, so personally, I would avoid putting the seeds in the freezer, but again, I am untrained in these matters. Nitchwick