Hello, I'm new to this forum and I must admit...a bit lost too. I'd like to buy a monkey tree (seeds, roots or a small plant), but I can't find a nursery selling them in Canada. I found a place in Oregon but they don't ship to Canada anymore due to federal regulations. Does anybody know nurseries in Canada that dispatch these trees within Canada? Many thanks Eli
These are fairly commonly available in BC nurseries and plant centres. Try a search for -BC nursery "Araucaria araucana". These trees will not grow outdoors in Canada except in BC and are very difficult to grow indoors. Maybe you could try a Norfolk Island pine--related, but easy to grow as a houseplant.
Thanks Eric for the suggestions. If we can't find it on Internet, it might be a good idea to visit BC! I'll have a look at the Norfolk Island Pine too! :-) Eli
Hello Chibouki . Any luck in finding in your trees or seeds ? I specialize in growing Monkey Puzzle trees out here in Langley, BC . I have several thousand trees . They range from two month old seedlings only a couple of inches tall ,to 13 year old trees up to ten feet tall . I also have some seed . All have been grown in containers . I run a small one man operation here so you won`t find me in any Nursery Listings . However , I don`t want to run afoul of the posting rules concerning sales in the forums . I am not totally clear on the rules concerning that . I think you could contact me via the " Private Messages " option though , if I am not mistaken . Cheers , P
Hi monkey, If someone is seeking a specific plant, I don't have an issue with someone else offering to sell it to them, as long as the conversation eventually moves to private messaging (so you're doing the correct thing).
Hi Monkey! I've been having some trouble finding Monkey Puzzle Trees here in Toronto, ON. I couldn't pm you because I'm a new user I think. I'm interested in buying one. I work for a big nursery here in Toronto and none of our suppliers were able to find this plant due to its unpopularity. We have this one customer that really wants one though. How can I go about getting one from you?
Hi, I represent a BC nursery that distributes MP trees to eastern canada. we ship to southern Ontario and Nova scotia, where they are hardy. tell your customer to go to Mori Gardens in N-O-T-L, Rice rd. nursery, or Cole's in grimsby, we shipped them there.... What nursery do you work for?? Rich
I have seen Monkey Puzzle trees in Northern Scotland. Why will they not grow in Canada, outside B>C>??
Northern Scotland is close to a warm ocean current, which keeps the winter temperatures much higher than at other places on the same latitude. Coastal BC has similar (though less marked) conditions, but Canada's winters away from the west coast are much too cold for it to survive.
Hi Mike, Northern Scotland's climate is quite mild probably like coastal BC, zone7-9, where Monkey Puzzles are common. That said, if you are in Pictou, NS, you are fairly mild as well, zone 6...maybe 7. I have supplied them to nurseries in Chester and Berwick. I know there used to be a big one at your Public Gardens in Halifax. And I've seen them at Peggy's cove. Unfortunately many people in the Maritimes don't know their proper zones, and think that they live in a much harsher zone.They would probably grow fine but slower for you. Check out Briar Patch in Berwick NS. Richard
Thank you Richard. It is quite warm in our area, I will look into those trees in Berwick I was in Scotland in Feb (1974) I found it very cold!!
Hi there, Monkey, I'm also looking to buy a Monkey Puzzle tree. Do you mind PM me your contact info so we can connect? Thanks in advance! Mauricio
Is shipping included ? I am teasing of course What a beautiful remote area you grow your garden in Where is Cougar Annie garden? Vicious as they are (sharp “leaves”) Monkey puzzle trees used to be so popular decades ago - and that’s quite a specimen on your photo I know a few at the coast that exist today that came from old nurseries - I think Mac’s in the curve of Hiway 101 just near Neilson / Crowe Roads had so many special plants incl bonsai Ironically there used to be an old house where IGA Starbucks is Gibsons BC and a HUGE monkey tree — I don’t know where someone tried to salvage it to when that former McDonald's (yes) was built. Last I recall - tree would have been under the drive thru there as it exists today. EDIT TO MY POST - cougar Annie is somewhere on the west coast near Port Alberni roughly speaking Cougar Annie - Wikipedia Whereas I was thinking of Ronnings garden near Holberg Ronning's Garden - Vancouver Island North
Running gardens i know of but not cougar Annie, sounds like my kinda gal lol I live in alert bay and beautiful said try needs to be moved one way or the other. I'd prefer to sell it to cover the cost of removing it and maybe contribute more into the orchard we will replant after all construction work has finished.
I suspect the cost of renting and transporting a tree spade--and then transporting the tree--would probably outweigh the monetary value of that monkey puzzle tree.
It would be hard to shrink wrap a monkey puzzle tree for transport unless dragging it to the neighbor @Daniel Mosquin - do you have any history of first / oldest / why? in BC? It seems very Victorian collector exotic Is that true? I am simply curious. Thank you
@Georgia Strait -- I suggest watching this video: (start from around the 18:43 mark, that is where discussions on monkey puzzle trees in Vancouver begin). Christine just talked to our Friends of the Garden on Wednesday, but I bet there are a few more facts in this recording than I can recall from half-listening(!) while working.