I have a 12ft Monkey Puzzle Tree in the Seattle, WA area that has been planted in my yard for about 7 years now. The entire tree has been slowly turning yellowish over the past year, and is now very yellow. I am in fear I will lose the tree. Nothing has really changed with regards to location of the tree, etc. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I haven't found a good source that provides fertilizer recommendations for this tree in particular. I've been reluctant to start feeding it things that I don't know are good for it.
Thanks! Looks healthy apart from the yellow colour, so I don't think it is at immediate risk of death. Worth getting a soil test done to flag up any obvious nutrient deficiencies. In the wild, Araucaria araucana generally occurs on volcanic ash soils, which are often rich in minerals but low in nitrogen.
I have a bunya that is similar. I've been calling it my Golden Bunya. Came from the same stock as 4 others I have (out of 7 total). All have been treated identically; same soil, same water, etc. I just call it my Golden Bunya, and don't worry about it. Still grows like a weed, looks happy, healthy...
I posted a photo of my gold bunya under my new thread 'Bunya Party.' See if it looks similar. Best, Darryl
Hi Thodgen I know it was over 10 years since you originally posted your question about your MP turning yellow, but I was wondering if you ever found out what was causing the problem. Unfortunately my MP here in London, UK is suffering the same fate? Thx