Iam new to the site so if I make a mistake please let me know. Had a problem trying to find the place to post something. My wife and I just bought a Monkey Puzzle Tree. Fell in love with them last year while visiting my son in Portland Oregon. We bought a 6' twin beam going up together. After reading what I could find Iam to Plant the bulb. ( After removing webbing protecting. Spread very lightly the outer inch of the roots system.) I do this get to help it along at the start. I well plant the bulb with just the top inch or so exposed. I was not to completely cover it up. Also should I mix anything with the soil? Its light sand, clay stuff it should like. We live in a dry, hot in summer, cold in winter, with snow. Cold down to -0 to -10. I will be covering the base at that time. Can somebody help me put her in the ground the proper depth. Thanks for your help. We really want her to thrive here. Jesse
Should be fine with winter minima only from freezing to -10°C. Plant with the soil level the same as the soil level in the pot, and spread the roots out if you can (so they're not curled up in a ball). Give it some extra water in the summer drought, at least for the first year or two.
Thank you for answering me. That helps . I know she will grow to be a beautiful tree. Have a great evening Jesse