I have had this plant for about 5 years. I was told it is a monkey puzzle tree but have never seen one like it the garden books or on line. I did see one like it in our botanical garden but it was 20 ft. Mine is 4 ft. has spiney leaves that hurt alot when working with it. I put it out every summer and bring it back in the fall. It never does much except grow taller but grows very slowley. It is shaped like a norfolk pine but I know that is not because I have a Norfolk pine. This year, some of the branches and leaves have turned brown. I'm not sure what to do about it. If I cut the brown off it will look like a mutant.
Can you post a picture? It sounds like a monkey puzzle, but there are a number of different kinds. Seeing it would help us help you.
If it is just the older low shoots that are turning brown, it isn't a problem. If shoots near the top are turning brown, then it is in trouble. Low humidity and low light levels indoors could be a problem.
it is one side that is affected. That makes sense because I had it on the porch stairs and one side faced the porch. If it survives the winter inside , I'll put it on a lower stair in the spring. Thanks
Verrrrrrrrrrrry slow growing... You are talking about the Araucaria araucana Mature height: 30 ft. Mature width: 15 ft.
Nope, it turned out to be Bunya Araucaria bidwillii, which is a bit faster-growing than Araucaria araucana.