yep Jenri , i dont think it was meant in any bad way , but it is interesting to see how trees adapt to survive , and alot of species have this ability , as do some in the animal kingdom , And just incase you want to know how i got that knowledge lol , i do know of a Female fish that lives in a single shole where all the others are Male ..If the female fish were to be killed , a male would develop into a female ..And so it goes on...Not quite the same thing , but an example of how species /animal or plant how to adapt the best way they can to survive , In a plant eat dog world lol....Now way off the point .......!!!!
Nah I know, I just wanted to make it clear I did actually research A.Augustifolia specifically! Oh really? What type of fish is that?
Hmm well any detail about this tree is welcome and thankyou for that ..And all the above about adaptation is what i hope to find , to get this tree back where it belongs ..Not in the fozzil remains or 'Jet' ..But , where it belongs on TOP of the soil.. A gamble like the past ? , Possibly , as the Redwoods also retreated after the ice age ...We are still in the ice age as it happens , and it could get warmer or cooler , no one really knows , just as much as the weather men have only recently admitted , they cannot predict a forcast over two weeks ..After reportedly saying before the summer , its going to be a hot and warm one with little rain..Long term who knows ..But im always the optimist... The fish were on a recent David Attenbough wildlife programme about two yrs back ? ...Its the same for Frogs as well ....I used to breed them in the 80's.. thanx again ..
Going on the same lines ...Yep im alittle essentric ..But i remember the scene in the original Jurassic park ...When they found eggs ....The scientists said all the reptiles were born only female...They had not any male reptiles to fertilize the eggs....But like the Coas theory ..''NATURE FINDS AWAY'' ....iN OTHER WORDS SURVIVAL...oK playing this out it could take hundreds of years before nature adapts for survival , but sometimes though not scentifically approved nature TWISTS or morths or like what Radiation can natually do , can change the chemistry of plants and animals ,devoloping sub species or simply NEW speices far more adaptable then the prevoius ....Only within the last Hundred years The KiNG cHEATER WAS BORN ...These cats are still few and far between but they will replace in time the ordinary cheater , simply because they are faster , and more adaptable ..These are early stages for this cat , as they are a rare subspeacies born out of NEED /design and the Darwin theory ....Yet little is known .... Anyway ...Its the same with all animal and plant .....Adapt or fade away ...OR endure for the time being, until a chemical reaction within , will change the dinamics of a species , many many times over , until change occurs ...Chemical or simply what happens in the brain or Nuclius many times over , over time itself , Morfs or creates a reaction within the structure , of animal or plant , which becomes the norm ..and helps the problem ,that the reaction inside tried to solve , or like an electron giving NEW infomation , changes the structure and molecols of a being , recreating a new form and adaptation for survival ...GET MY DRIFT ? LOL
As an update to this old thread, I've heard the Araucaria angustifolia in Geneva was badly damaged (maybe killed?) by the 2011-2012 winter. Edit: just been updated on it; it has had all its branches on the windward side (facing the cold NE winds) killed, but the sheltered side survived, leaving it one-sided.