Money tree

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Angela Rosd, May 1, 2019.

  1. Angela Rosd

    Angela Rosd New Member

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    Money tree, I have a large tree that happily flowered this winter but now is dropping branches, can anybody help with this please. It is around 20 years old and never had this problem before.
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    A number of plants share the common name Money Tree. Could you post a photo of the plant?
  3. Angela Rosd

    Angela Rosd New Member

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    Hello have posted pic here in the UK its called a Jade plant, having just looked at it again this morning we think its outgrown its pot again and unfortunately we do not have the room to repot, thinking along the lines of asking around to see if anybody could house it, its a shame as its a beautiful plant. If you have any suggestions would be grateful to hear them, thank you Angela

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2019
  4. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    What a beautiful plant. Is this the first time it has blossomed? Was the photo taken before it started dropping branches? There's no sign of a problem.

    According to the following article one of the conditions for getting this plant to flower is to withhold water. I wonder if it was allowed to go dry beyond what was necessary in this case.
    My Jade Plant Won’t Bloom – Tips On Getting A Jade Plant To Bloom

    Another article warned against allowing the plant to set seed as that requires the plant to expend much energy which could lead to dieback, thereby suggesting the removal of flowering stems before that happens.

    If the plant hasn't been repotted in a while, even though potting up is out of the question, perhaps it would suffice to simply replace the old soil with new in the current container. Doing so would also allow you to inspect the condition of the roots.
  5. Angela Rosd

    Angela Rosd New Member

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    Thank you, answer no this has flowered for quite a few years I put it down to it having the right conditions, warmth in the day and cold nights. I cut the flowers off as soon as they start to go over they are always very sticky at this point.
    It's been roughly 3 years in the large pot and I feed it with liquid 6x, as you say new soil might help, it is a struggle to get it out as its so heavy.
    I do have 2 more they being cuttings from this plant, one of which is a few years old but never flowered the other younger.

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