my first question pertains to the two money trees i bought this week... i don't mind so much the plastic pot it's in, but one has roots emerging from the top of the soil, and i'm wondering if it should be repotted? i know they are bonsais and need to be kept tight in their pots, and of course i'm afraid of killing it, but i'm thinking this is an indicator if any to repot? my second question is about a silver queen chinese evergreen i've had for a while. there are little white clusters at the base of the stalks, so i'm pretty sure it has bugs...what can i do about this and is it contagious to my other plants (peace lilies, orchids, spider plants)? FINALLY, on this same plant, the stalks and leaves tend to droop and lay almost horizontal. it's not a very full plant, and these splayed leaves make it look wild. why does it DO that?? thank you!!