My Money Tree's leaves began to get yellow than brown and finally felt in last October. There is someting bizarre under the sick leaves like very very small white dots. I saw also a clear substance like "gel" (not sure if it is a wright word in English). Can someone might help revigorate my plant. Might it be a kind of bugs? Thank you in advance. I am from Province of Quebec and French Speaking. So excuse me if my English is not adequate.
You have mealy bug, and the "gel' is honey dew secreted by the insect as it sucks the juices out of your plant. use some insecticidal soap or horticulture oil, mix it in a spray bottle and spray your plant once a week for 3-4 weeks or untill the problem is gone, and your pachira should be looking good in no time.
Thanks a lot for this prompt reply. I think I will become an adept of your forum. It is quite funny to receive reply to questions when we do not know someone well informed enough to answer.
your welcome for the reply, i like giving people advice about their plants, so if there are anymore questions ask away.
Bonjour, Ti-Jo. Bienvenue. (practicing my French here) I agree with the mealy-bug diagnosis. If the tree is small you may want to re-pot it in fresh soil in case it is contaminated. Make sure you do not over-water while the tree has no leaves, as you don't want to rot the root system. I am sure you will find lots of help and interesting posts on this forum, so check back often.
Thank you for your reply. Originally, my plant was almost 3 feet high. I short the 3 majors branches (the one that had the biggest leaves which were becoming brown. The plant is now about 2 feet high. I used the insecticid soap on Saturday. There is no development since Saturday. I watch it every day and will continue to spray the insecticid soap once a week. I feel more encouraged now as I hope that it will get better in some weeks. I sure will continue to be part of this forum as I am studying in horticulture (at distance, "not sure if it is correct in English") since last September and I love that. But as it is at partial time, I do not know people who have enough knowledge to help me. So I think I will find a lot of good advice in this forum. Thank again and à la prochaine.
Bonjour TiJo Je veux praticque mon Francis aussi. I want to practice my French too. How is the money tree doing after some time of treatment? Comment et voitre abre de l'argent? Hope you are getting some new growth. I know the waiting can be frustrating. Your English is very good.
Bonjour Bébé Violette 123, My Money Tree seems to improve. I do not see the small white dots anymore but some leaves continue to get brown. But at the same time, there are many new leaves growing. I hope it will continue to improve with the spring. If you wish to practise your French, please feel free to send private messages. I will be happy to reply. Write in French I will reply in English. So we will practise and improve together.
I Grew My Money Tree From About 14" And It Is Now About 5 1/2 '. Do I Need To Cut It Back Because Of The Mealy Bug? I'd Rather Not. Does Mealy Bug Get Into The Roots? I Thought These Plants Didn't Like To Be In Too Large Of A Pot For There Size. Am I Wrong? Do I Just Need To Repot It Or Go Larger? Other Than The Mealy Bug It Has Lots Of New Growth And This Has Been My Only Problem. I Always Thought That Mealy Bug Was That Sort Of Tiny White Cotton Looking Balls Under The Leaf And I've Never Seen The Sap. As You Can See, Lots Of Questions! Thank Heaven I Reasearched This Site. I Am Really Proud Of My Money Tree. I Type In Capitals Due To A Hand Problem Toggling Back And Forth.
Hi: I think you should begin first by using the insecticid soap and wait before cutting your plant. Just remove the sick leaves. In my case, there is no more mealy bugs and my money tree is almost the same height then before I cut it last summer. It looks in perfect shape now and no more bugs but I think that my problem was that I was overwater it. Now I water only once every two weeks and my money tree seems to appreciate that. Hope it will help you.
If It Begins To Droop Before The Two Weeks, Then I Water It? I Used To Grow And Propagate A Large Variety Of My Own Plants. Not So Much Time Anymore. I Am Blessed To Be Raising Two Of My Six Grandkids And Memories Not Quite Up To Parr. Thanks.
Hi: I do not understand very well what you are writing. I am sorry as I am a French spoken person. Is your Money Tree planted in mulch? Because mine is and the mulch keep moist very longer so you don't have to water often. I watered once a week when I received it as a gift and the bugs appeared. Since I treated my plant with insecticid soap that I applied one time per week for 2 weeks and watered it once every two weeks, everything goes well for my plant. No more bugs and it is growing fast and healthy. Hoping this will help you. P.S. I am a mammy too of a beautiful grandson of 5 years old.
i don't mean to hijack this thread, but i, too, have a pachira aquatica question. mine seems healthy except for drooping leaves which are also very thin. we had it in a window where it received direct sunlight. is this too much? we've just moved it to a lesser sun corner. any advice? tks!!